An International Conference For The Ongoing Formation Of Priests
6 – 10 FEBRUARY 2024 - Auditorium della Conciliazione
“Fan into a fl ame the gift of God that you possess"
(2Tim 1,6)
The beauty of being disciples today:
a singular, integral, communitarian, and missionary formation (cfr. RFIS, Intr. 3).
Intended for:
Diocesan/Regional/National representatives for the ongoing formation of priests, experts, and interested parties.
The International Conference aims to initiate a shared process with local Churches, in order to strengthen the ongoing formation and accompaniment of priests, taking into consideration the results of the recent survey sent to Bishops’ Conferences Worldwide contributions from participants before and during the Conference, and the Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis “The gift of the priestly vocation”.
15:30 - 18:30 Registraton of partcipants at the Dicastery Headquarters Palazzo dei Propilei, Piazza Pio XII 3 (2nd foor).
SINGULAR JOURNEY OF FORMATION - Priests in the face of a changing age within a synodal and missionary Church
From 8.30 Entry to the Auditorium Conciliazione (Via della Conciliazione 4) Contnuaton of partcipant registraton
9.45 Opening Prayer and Introducton by the Prefects of the three sponsoring Dicasteries:
– His Eminence Cardinal Lazzaro You Heung sik
– His Eminence Cardinal Luis Antonio Gokim Tagle
– His Eminence Cardinal Claudio Gugerot
11.00 Departure from the Auditorium Conciliazione and access from the Petriano entrance (Piazza del Sant’Ufzio) to St. Peter’s Basilica, via the Porta della Preghiera
12.00 Opening Mass at the Altar of the Chair Eucharistc Concelebraton presided by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State of His Holiness
13.00 Break for Lunch
From 14.30 Entry to the Auditorium Conciliazione
First session of the Conference
15.30 Opening Prayer and Introducton to the afernoon theme
Video of Pope Francis
I. Priests in a tme of change
His Eminence François-Xavier Cardinal Bustllo, Bishop of Ajaccio (France)
II. Identty and ministry of priests in a synodal and missionary Church
Monsignor Severino Dianich, Theologian (Italy)
Time for personal refecton
16.45 Presentaton of best practces
17.15 Cofee break
17.45 Group discussion
19.00 End of the session
INTEGRAL FORMATION HUMAN, SPIRITUAL, INTELLECTUAL AND PASTORAL DIMENSIONS - Beginning anew from the Source: men of God and men of the Gospel [morning] Accompaniment: dimensions and pathways to integral formaton [afernoon]
From 8.30 Entry to the Auditorium Conciliazione
Second session of the Conference
9.00 Opening Prayer and Introducton to the morning theme
Video of Pope Francis
III. Men of the Gospel: missionary disciples
His Eminence Gianfranco Cardinal Ravasi, President-Emeritus of the Pontfcal Council for Culture (Vatcan City State)
IV. Men of God in our present age: contemplatves in acton
Reverend Mother Martha Driscoll, OCSO, Abbess-Emeritus of the Cistercian Monastery of Gedano (Indonesia)
V. Men of God in our present age: experience of the Eastern Churches
Reverend Deacon Stefano Parent, Eparchy of Lungro, Professor at the Pontfcal Athenaeum of Saint Anselm (Italy)
Time for personal refecton
10.30 Presentaton of best practces
11.00 Cofee break
11.30 Group discussion
13.00 Break for lunch
From 14.30 Entry to Auditorium Conciliazione
Third session of the Conference
15.30 Opening Prayer and Introducton to the afernoon theme
Video of Pope Francis
VI. Urgent need for an integral formaton: the afectve dimension
Doctor Chiara D’Urbano, Psychologist and Psychotherapist EMDR (Italy)
VII. Structures and pathways for an integral formaton and the preventon of abuse
Reverend Father Hans Zollner, SJ, Director of the Insttute of Anthropology (IADC), Pontfcal Gregorian University (Italy)
Time for personal refecton
16.45 Presentaton of best practces
17.30 Cofee break
18.00 Group discussion
19.15 End of the session
COMMUNITARIAN FORMATION - “Feeling at home”: life of the priest and priestly fraternity
From 8.30 Entry to the Paul VI Audience Hall with access from Petriano, Piazza del Sant’Ufzio
9.00 Prayer and testmonies
10.00 Audience with the Holy Father
12.00 End of the audience Break for lunch
From 14.00 Entry to Auditorium Conciliazione
Fourth session of the Conference
14.30 Opening Prayer and Introducton to the afernoon theme
Video of Pope Francis
VIII. Possibilites and challenges in the life of the priest and priestly fraternity
His Eminence Ángel Sixto Cardinal Rossi, SJ, Archbishop of Córdoba (Argentna)
IX. Having priests feel “at home”: the role of the Bishop and the diocesan community
His Excellency, the Most Rev. José Romeo Juanito Lazo, Archbishop of Jaro (Philippines)
Time for personal refecton
15:40 Presentaton of best practces
16.15 Cofee break
16.45 Group discussion
18.00 Break
18.15 Screening of the flm “Priest” by Damien Boyer
20.00 End of the flm - FRIDAY 9 FEBRUARY
MISSIONARY FORMATION - Identifying aptitudes and skills for new ways of doing pastoral ministry
From 8.30 Entry to the Auditorium Conciliazione
Fifh session of the Conference
9.00 Opening Prayer and Introducton to the morning theme
Video of Pope Francis
X. New pastoral challenges: a global perspective
Reverend Father Guy Bognon, PSS., General Secretary of the Pontfcal Society of Saint Peter the Apostle Dicastery for Evangelisaton (Vatcan City State)
XI. Pathways and means for pastoral accompaniment of priests His Excellency
the Most Rev. Joel Portella Amado, Bishop of Petrópolis (Brazil)
Time for personal refecton
10.15 Presentaton of best practces
10.45 Cofee break
11.30 Group discussion
13.00 Break for lunch
From 17.30 Entry to the Papal Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran
18.30 Concert-Meditaton on the vocaton of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Choir of the Diocese of Rome and “Fideles et Amat” Orchestra directed by Maestro Monsignor Marco Frisina
20.00 End of the concert - SATURDAY 10 FEBRUARY
From 8.30 Entry to the Auditorium Conciliazione
Conclusions of the Conference
9.00 Prayer and Video of Pope Francis
9.15 Feedback from the Hall
10.00 Closing discourses by the Prefects of the three sponsoring Dicasteries:
– His Eminence Cardinal Lazzaro You Heung sik
– His Eminence Cardinal Luis Antonio Gokim Tagle
– His Eminence Cardinal Claudio Gugerot
11.00 Departure from the Auditorium Conciliazione and access from the Petriano entrance (Piazza del Sant’Ufzio) to St. Peter’s Basilica, via the Porta della Preghiera
12.00 Closing Mass at the Altar of the Chair Eucharistc Concelebraton presided by Lazzaro You Hueng sik, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Clergy
13.00 End of the Conference
How to reach us
Interventions of the Holy Father
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