Plenary of the Dicastery for the Clergy 2024

05 June 2024 - 07 June 2024


Wednesday, June 5


  • 9.00        

Opening prayer 

Report of the Prefect  Card. Lazzaro You Heung sik

  • 9.30           

Speeches of the Members

  • 10.30         

Coffee break

  • 11.00          

Report on Continuing Formation (theological-pastoral aspects) 

Rev. Raffaele Ponticelli, Consultor and Professor of Psychology Pontifical Theological Faculty of Southern Italy - Director of the Office for the Ongoing Formation of the Clergy of Naples

  • 11.30          Resumption of the interventions of the Members
  • 12.30          Angelus - Conclusion 



  • 15.30          Coffee
  • 16.00          Prayer

II Report on Continuing Formation (maturity and accompaniment)

Rev. Sr. Martha Driscoll, Abbess Emeritus of Gedono Cistercian Monastery (Indonesia)

  • 16.30         

Interventions of the Members

  • 17.15          


  • 17.30         

Report on the activities of the Dicastery. (Handouts and Special Faculties)

H.E. Msgr. Andrés Gabriel Ferrada Moreira, Secretary;

Msgr. Simone Renna, Undersecretary

  • 18.00          

Resumption of the interventions of the Members

  • 19.00          

End of the proceedings



Thursday, June 6


  • 8.30            

Rendezvous at the Bronze Gate 

  • 10.00          

Audience of the Holy Father

  • 12.00          

Opportunity to concelebrate the Holy Mass for vocations (Cappella Domus Sanctae Marthae - bring white surplice and stole)

  • 13.30           

Lunch at the Domus Sanctae Marthae



  • 15.30          


  • 16.00          


Report on the Ministry of the Diaconate Today

Rev. Dario Vitali, Consultor and Ordinary of Theology Pontifical Gregorian University - Rome

  • 16.30        

Members' interventions

  • 17.15          


  • 17.30         

Report on the activities of the Dicastery  (Seminars and Formation)

H.E. Msgr. Andrés Gabriel Ferrada Moreira, Secretary

Msgr. Eamonn McLaughlin, Undersecretary for the Office of Formation

  • 18.00          

Resumption of the interventions of the Members

  • 19.00          

End of the proceedings



Friday, June 7 

Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus - Day of Priestly Sanctification


  • 8.00            

Concelebration of the Eucharist. 

Choir Chapel - St. Peter's Basilica

  • 9.30           

Coffee (in Dicastery)

  • 10.00          

Report on the pastoral care of vocations

Rev. Prof. Mario Óscar Llanos, Ordinary of Pedagogy and Pastoral Care of Vocations Pontifical Salesian Athenaeum - Rome

  • 10.30        

Members' interventions

  • 11.15           


  • 11.30            

Report on Dicastery activities. 

(Appeals, administration of church property and other aspects) 

H.E. Msgr. Andrés Gabriel Ferrada Moreira, Secretary

Fr. Enrico Massignani, Undersecretary for the Clergy Office

  • 12.00         

Interventions of the Members

  • 13.00         
